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Image file - required
Image | Title | Description | Filename | Width | Height | Date | Name | Public | Member | Banner | Mobile | Remove |
Image information
Click on [ + Select an image file ] to display a file selection window. All image files on your computer will be displayed.
When you have selected a file the [ Upload ] button will be enabled. Click on this and the file will be uploaded and listed in the table below.
You can then upload another image file.
You can determine where the files will be displayed by clicking on the [TICK] or [CROSS] in the Public and Member columns.
You can select an alternative file to be used for the Home page banner by clicking on a [CROSS] in the Banner and Mobile columns.
If a file is shown as not to be displayed it can be removed by clicking on [DEL] in the Remove column..
If you click anywhere else on the file information the image will be displayed along with information about it. You can add or change the Title and/or Description. Note that the title is not displayed but can be used to change the order in which images are displayed. The description is displayed below the image.
The banner on a PC or tablet is displayed in a 800 by 72 box and on a mobile phone in a 240 by 40 box. All other images are displayed in a 460 by 260 box. (460 by 260 is equivalent to 16 by 9 - the size ratio for most televisions and computer screens and PowerPoint slides.) Images will be resized to fit either vertically or horizontally. Areas not filled may be shown in blue on this page.

Public Home Page
Member Home Page

Public description
Member description
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