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Event Emails Edit

Heading 5

Title - required

Subject - required

Message - required


Save new email
Save changed email


Title must be unique and is used to identify this email.
Subject is the subject line that is sent with your email. It does not have to be unique.
Message is the message that you are sending. You can embed any of the following codes in your message - {NAME}, {FIRST}, {EMAIL}, {U3A}, {LUNCH}, {PHONE}, {MOBILITY} and {INDEX} - and these will be replaced by the appropriate values from the details in the database. The words do not have to be in capitals but must be enclosed in {}. If two people registered together then the information is combined.
Notes is an optional field that can be used to show more information about the email.

The box on the right shows how your email will look once the coded values have been replaced. The arrows above the box allow you to cycle through all registrations.
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